Friday, April 16, 2010

Ok so evidently my blog title is not unique

Maybe I should change it or something. One thing's for certain, and that is that my blog URL is definitely unique. I bet nobody ever though of spelling out the word for these () in their URL.

Update: I changed it.

I SO am not getting any of my security deposit back

If and when I ever move out of my current apartment, I definitely am not getting my deposit back. This is not even to mention how I think the management is out to get you and wouldn't give it back even if there was no damage to the place. No I do NOT deserve it back.

I was just lighting my pipe when I had an accident. I am a pipe purist so I use matches. Well this particular match decided to break in half. That by itself would not be a problem. The problem was that not only did the match break, but it also lit. Naturally the end of the match that was on fire not being attached to the end I was holding fell to the floor and burned a melty spot in the carpet.


Ok sorry for yelling but that statement just seemed to need some extra emphasis. Anyway I have no deposit money waiting for me in the future.

Off topic: Why is David Letterman still on tv? I'm sorry, I am probably offending plenty of people by saying that, but I just don't find him funny anymore. And I appreciate that Paul Schaffer and the band are pretty good musicians, but the songs and jingles they play are just so bland and one dimensional. The songs they play when guests come out on stage just have nothing to do with anything. Example: when Kristen Bell comes out they play "You can ring my bell" by Anita Ward. Just because her last name is Bell, and the word bell just happens to be in the song refrain does not really make that an good song to pllay when she comes out.

Ok I'm done bitching now. Those of you readers who disagree with me about Letterman, don't fret. I am just one insignificant voice in a vast ocean of bloggers and noone really cares about my opinion but me.

I probably have done other bad damage to my apartment but I can't think of anything right now. Also The Late Late Show is currently on now and I have trouble paying attention to more than one thing.
The End.

Now Craig Ferguson, THAT is one funny Scotsman. More about what makes @CraigFerg so awesome in a future post.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weird clothes

Ok so people in my apartment building are always leaving things in the stairwell. They leave old furniture, used appliances, and basically anything they don't want anymore but are too lazy to carry down the three flights of stairs to the parking lot. This practice annoys me to no end. It may be standard practice for people to give away their cast-offs, but I'm fairly sure it is NOT proper housekeeping etiquette. Half of the things left are items noone would want. Therefore said items tend to continue littering the hallways and stairs until they attract the attention of the maintenance staff.

This whole issue leads me to the whole point of this post. I noticed the weirdest set of hand-me-downs in the stairwell on Monday. To my great amazement I found a whole set of clothes, right down to the boxers and wife-beater. Also flip-flops. They were not dirty clothes in a heap, but seemingly laundered, folded and placed in a neat pile.

Why in the world would someone have done that? What purpose would there be for this abandoned pile of clothes? My imagination started thinking up possible scenarios. Perhaps someone got caught somewhere naked and called a friend in this building to leave him clothes. No, no, no i thought. If I were caught somewhere with no clothes and had the opportunity to call someone, I would surely have them come get me with the clothes, right?

My first thought was: "Jeez it sure looks like someone just got undressed right here in the third floor stairwell and took the time, while naked to neatly fold and pile the clothes." Wouldn't that be something to see. I thought maybe it was a streaker, but I would think they usually leave the house naked wearing a trench coat, and lose the coat right before the actual streaking.

Anyway, I have no rational explanation for it. Maybe some of you (currently nonexistent) blog followers can think of one.

My first post

Well I never woulda thunk it, but it's happening. I am blogging. Now we see how long it lasts. I have in the past had ideas that I thought I ought to get down on paper, but I was always too lazy to make it happen. Maybe at the very least this will help improve my typing speed and stuff.

Fun Fact: In my freshman year of high school I totally failed the typing part of my Typing/Word Processing class. The typing program we were using wouldn't give me any new letters. I was stuck on dfjk for the whole entire semester. True Story.

Fun Fact Confession: OK so the problem was probably that I didn't practice enough. But I still think it was the typing program's fault.

So it turns out blogging may not be too hard. Just type whatever flashes across my wet noodle. That's my brain for the simple. Yeah you know who you are. Or more likely the simple are simple but think they are smart.

So that is my first blog post. Tune in next week for more exciting adventures of the wet noodle. Try the veal.

That is all!

P.S. never mind